Jackson Galaxy Solutions Safe Space For Dogs help establish a vibrational "bubble of protection" around your dog. This solution helps re-establish house-training, increase self-confidence, reassure the dog that his territory is safe, and reduce the fears and stresses that result in marking and other territory and stress-related behaviors like aggression, barking, fence-fighting, food and toy protection, and others. Remember, Safe Space for Dogs is meant as a compliment to your hands-on work with a trainer or qualified behavior consultant. That way you can have the best of both worlds: doing what you can to show your dog a better way while allowing them to feel relaxed in their surroundings.
From Flower Essence Society Healing Herbs (Bach Flower Equivalent): Heather, Vervain, Walnut. From AUM Himalaya: Swallow Wart. From Flower Essence Society: Chamomile, Corn, Cosmos, Pink Yarrow, Tiger Lily. From Australian Living Essences: Rose Coneflower. From Pacific Essences: Chiton, Pink Seaweeed, Rainbow Kelp. From Rocky Mountain Essences: Campfire, Mountain Pool. From Watersong Sanctuary: Hawthorn Tree, Prickly Pear Cactus, Russian Olive, White Eagle. From Masters Essences: Tomato. From Green Hope Farm: Blue Snakeweed, Sorrel Vine, Trillium
Suitable For
Directions For Use
Always do this first:
Different ways to administer Jackson Galaxy Solution
Jackson Galaxy Solutions are not like medicines or drugs and need not be swallowed: once the drops contact the animal, they are doing their job. In this vein, your animal companion should think of receiving the formula as a good thing, so don’t try to force it by giving it to them orally – stressing your friend out while administering the essences will only serve to undermine our intent.
Dosing Guidelines Recommended starting with 3 - 4 times a day, for 2 weeks. Once improvement is established, usually within 2-4 weeks, you can wean the animal off by gradually decreasing the frequency of administration: adding a few drops to the drinking water along with a once-a-day administration will probably be adequate.
Some animals may need to remain on essence treatment long term, and some may see resolution very quickly. We have found that most animals will benefit from long-term administration of a maintenance solution.
Country Of Origin
Made In USA
Product Weight
Precautionary Statements
Jackson Galaxy Solutions work best when part of a more holistic program, that may include proper veterinary care, diet, behavior modification, and other holistic modalities. Consult your veterinarian before adding any new product to your pet’s care regimen. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.